Sistemas de Transporte Neumático

Pneumatic Conveying Systems for the Industry:

OGA specializes in custom developments of applications and pneumatic conveying systems, focusing on multiple productive industries worldwide. Over 26 years, our engineering processes have consolidated more than 2,000 systems globally. Pneumatic conveying of solid, granular, or powdered materials is an indispensable part of modern industries, enabling high flow rates, capacities, and distances within production lines through dense phase and dilute phase systems.

Therefore, OGA systems feature components and secondary systems integrated into primary processes, adapting to the demand and requirements of each application across all industries, including:

Transporte Neumático en Industria Alimenticia

Industria de Alimentos

Transporte Neumático en plantas de producción PVC

Industria Plásticos - PVC

Transporte Neumático para la Industria Química

Industria de Químicos

Pneumatic Conveying Systems

Comprehensive solutions for the industry

Applications and pneumatic conveying systems are thus comprehensive engineering solutions complemented by specific equipment, components, and secondary processes that enhance productive results in various production fields, meeting the most rigorous standards and commercial demands in the global market.

  • Bulk tipping platforms.
  • Feed to storage silos.
  • Storage silos.
  • Silos weighing system.
  • BigBag feeding and unloading.
  • Product feed to process.
  • Inventory control.
  • Gravimetric dosing.
  • Solids screening and classification.
  • Handling of abrasive products.
  • Handling of products while maintaining CV.
  • Systems compliant with ATEX and ASME standards (Upon request).

Furthermore, the development processes involve the sum and analysis of technical variables, evaluating precise aspects such as pressure, flow rate, gravity force, differential pressure force, inertia force, and velocities. This is subject to real validation of the properties of solids or compounds in use, verifying density, particle size distribution, angle of repose, and correct implementation of Air-Gas.

All OGA applications are bespoke developments tailored to each requirement, ensuring the specific value and performance of each production process. This includes comprehensive service from planning to final commissioning, with ongoing verification as a support resource for quality assurance.

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