Sistemas de Transporte Neumático

Pneumatic Conveying

Pneumatic conveying is the movement of solids from one place to another using a compressible gas, typically air under pressure. This movement is generated by a pressure differential, always from higher to lower pressure. Material is thus transported from areas of higher pressure to those of lower pressure through a transport pipeline that eliminates contamination from the plant environment, resulting in low maintenance due to reduced damage to equipment by external agents. Transport can utilize high, medium, or low pressures, either in vacuum (negative pressure) or positive pressure (blow).

General Concept

According to «Engineering of Physical Operations 1, Pneumatic Conveying. See Document.»

Classification and Types

Pneumatic conveying systems are classified based on either the concentration of solids within the transport pipeline or the source of pressure differential generation.

OGA is an engineering company specializing in the design and manufacture of pneumatic conveying systems for multiple industries, with a focus on Plastics, PVC, Food, and Minerals. These systems handle solid, granular, dusty, and pelletized materials in dense and dilute phases. Services include Storage Silos, Mixing Centers, Weighing and Control, Fine Collectors, Gravimetric Dosing, BigBag Feeding and Discharge, Hoppers, Sieving, and Classification. OGA offers exclusive post-sales support and service to ensure preventive maintenance and quality.

Our Sub-Systems:

  • Bulk material tipping platforms.
  • Feeding into storage silos.
  • Storage silos.
  • Silo weighing system.
  • BigBag feeding and discharging.
  • Product feeding to process.
  • Inventory control.
  • Gravimetric dosing.
  • Solids sieving and classification.
  • Handling abrasive products.
  • Product handling while preserving the CV (Coefficient of Variation).
  • Systems under ATEX and ASME standards (Upon Request).

Contact Us

At OGA, every inquiry is handled with personalized attention. Upon contacting us, you will be assigned an engineer with extensive experience in our systems to assist you in sizing and selecting the appropriate application.